How to safely use wedding sparklers?
How to safely use wedding sparklers?
Source: Unsplash
On your wedding day, you may want some sparklets or other lit-up items to really spark up your special day. However, nothing matters more than your safety and the safety of your guests. In this post, we go over some general sparkler safety tips as well as some tips specifically for your wedding.
What are Sparklers?
To really keep yourself safe, you should probably know what exactly sparklers are. Sparklers are a collection of hardened chemicals mixed together on a wire or stick. Although they look similar to firecrackers/fireworks, they burn much slower. This comes from the different proportions of chemicals in the mix on your sparkler stick. Their slow burn makes them easy to purchase and distribute and a lot of fun to play and watch, but they also come with some safety issues. Whenever you use sparklers at your wedding, make sure you are paying attention to these safety tips from the National Council on Fireworks Safety.
How to Use Wedding Novelty Items Generally?
Sparklers aside, you should always follow these 6 tips when you are using any kind of novelty item. If you follow these rules, you should have a fun experience with sparklers, lanterns, etc.
1) Always follow the instructions given on the packaging
2) If a child is using any of these items, make sure there is an adult present. If the child is under 8, it may be best to not let them use them at all.
3) When you are not using them, make sure you keep them safe in a cool and dry area. If they are too wet or hot, they can become a safety hazard.
4) This should go without saying, but do not use them as some sort of play weapon to point or throw at people.
5) Never carry any novelty items in your pocket. This could end poorly.
6) Make sure that you never put any novelty items in a glass or plastic container if they are already lit.
Tips for Sparklers
While those tips will work for all novelty items at your wedding, below are a list of some others that are more useful specifically for sparkler use.
1) Firstly, you should figure out if fireworks, which often include sparklers, are legal in your city or province. You should not cross national or provincial lines to purchase them if they are not. While fun, they are not worth the legal hassle on your special day.
2) As with all novelty items, read the given instructions on the packaging.
3) Make sure that when you hold the sparklers, you keep them away from your clothes or any highly flammable objects. On that note, avoid clothing material that is highly flammable.
4) It is best to only use sparklers outdoors since many sparklers indoors can result in a fire.
5) If your wedding party is going to be drinking, then do not use sparklers at the same time. Alcohol and sparklers do not go together.
6) Do not point your sparklers at someone else. This is especially important to explain to kids at the wedding.
7) If kids are using sparklers, they should not be longer than 20 inches.
8) After you are done with them, place your dead sparklers in some water.
How do I handle the kids at my wedding using sparklers?
Obviously, your younger guests are not going to want to miss out while everyone is having fun with sparklers at the wedding. However, you need to make sure you lay down the proper sparkler etiquette and if they fail to follow them, you should confiscate their sparklers.
1) They should always be standing up with the sparklers.
2) Make sure they are all wearing closed-toed shoes when they are carrying sparklers around.
3) When you give the child a sparkler, give it to them and light it for them. Do not light the sparkler and then give it to them.
4) Make sure the kids are about 6 feet away from each other.
5) Make sure they are not using them to fight with each other.
At the end of the day, safety has to always come first at your wedding. There is nothing worse than a safety fiasco ruining your day, so make sure you follow these steps to keep you, your family, and your friends safe.